Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Healthy Dieting Tips- Speed up your Metabolism and Lose Weight Fast?

Lose Weight and Stay Healthy
How to speed up your metabolism?
Photo By Pink Sherbet Photography

Have you ever wondered why some of your friends stay thin and fit even if they eat the same way you do or MORE?
Well, this strange fact drives us to ask ourselves why we "seem" different; but I tell you, no one's different, the only thing thats different is your metabolism or the rate at which you burn what you eat.
Metabolism is sometimes predetermined due to genetics, age and gender, but all these somehow have a very small effect.

Talking about metabolism can take us to different depths, in this article we'll keep it simple and discuss the basics of what you really need to know about your metabolism and how to speed it up.

Following some simple rules can help you become healthier and happier; all you have to do is understand and stay dedicated to a healthy way of life and quit the concept of staying strict for a while then loose again (after reaching your goal weight), you have to change yourself into a healthier person for the rest of your life.

Healthy Red Tomatoes by
Speeding up your metabolism doesn't require you to stop eating or exercise too much, its actually a combination of being active and eating.
So basically being active + food = higher metabolism.

There are just some rules you have to know:

1) Try not to eat late:
Sleeping cat by Moyan_Brenn
There's no better feeling than waking up on an empty stomach. Eating late, not to mention eating too much and LATE is the #1 cause of low metabolism and unsuccessful dieting because after eating you go to sleep which is NOT being active so you don't really burn much of what you eat.
Still you could eat something really small like a banana, an orange or yogurt to help keep your metabolism active ;)

2) Eat small consistent meals:

Photo By MJorge

If you're really busy and don't have time for exercising then try not to eat 2-3 big meals a day, instead, eat 5-6 small meals which may include fruits, eggs, vegetables, rice, pasta, chicken or beef. The key here is to divide the meals all over the day and try not to fill up your stomach. This way your metabolism stays active and high.

3) Build Muscles
Baby thinks her muscles are her elbows
                         Photo By mollypop
A fact I just learned from Kathleen M. Zelman's article on is that building muscles increases your resting metabolic rate, so try to build some muscles even if they're little. They'll help with your metabolism!

4) Drink Much Water

Photo By Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources

Water is life's greatest gift. Drink 2-3 cups of water on an empty stomach each morning when you wake up, then wait for 30 mins before you eat anything; this will clean up your body and help you become healthier if you keep doing it.
Drinking water will not only clean your body but will also speed up your metabolism and give you a feeling of fullness which will help against false eating alarms.
Try to drink eight cups of water a day.

5) Don't NOT Eat!

Photo By Karithina

Always eat little snacks to keep your metabolism active and never stop eating for a long period, this will only slow down your metabolism and keep you tired.

Take a look at the examples below:

  • Keep exercising and stop eating or eat very little --> your metabolism stays LOW and your weight stays the SAME.
        Because you have to give your body something to burn.
        Exercise a little then eat a banana ---> your metabolism is active so you burn the banana + burn fat.

  • Keep eating and stop exercising --> your metabolism stays low and your weight INCREASES.

        Your body is dull without exercise and so is your metabolism + the food you eat doesn't get burned.
         Eat a little then exercise a little then eat again.

6) Try to cut on sodas

      Photo By Lunatic Asylum Photostudio

Try to avoid drinking sodas.
Although sodas might be your first side drink choice, I advise you to give it up and drink some fresh juice or water. Sodas are not in any way beneficial, they make you fat and are generally unhealthy.

7) Stay Healthy and Happy

Photo By xtheowl
Stay dedicated to a lasting healthy way of life and not just a temporary one.

I hope this article helps :)

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