Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Hot & Cold Showers- The wonders and benefits of Contrast Showering

Ever heard of the benefits of contrast showers?

This might be hard if you're not used to but believe me, taking contrast showers is personally my #1 recovery method and I sometimes do it in my free time!
Start off by taking your usual hot shower then gradually Ice it up. When you're used to this start taking your recovery to the next level; while you're in the middle of your hot shower suddenly switch to icy water and breath in & out as your blood flows around your body washing out and re-energizing your body.
You can then switch back to warm water but the rule is to finish up the shower by cold

Contrast showers help speed up recovery, increase immunity levels, helps you relax, increases testosterone levels, skin benefits and much more!
Hot & Cold showers have been a part of what is known as Hydrotherapy which is traced to have been used by old civilizations stretching from Egypt, Persia, Greece, Rome and Asia to the rest of the world. Uses of general hydrotherapy are many and include sports recovery, rheumatic diseases & erectile dysfunction, while Hot&Cold showers particularly have their own benefits.

Here are some Contrast (Hot & Cold) shower benefits:

Great blood circulation:
Photo By HockeyholicAZ

Helps with sports recovery washing lactic acid concentrations away and leaving your muscles relaxed.
Blood rushes to head and body making you calm and relaxed.

Stronger body against flu:
Photo By eyesogreen

In theory, as you get used to switching from hot to cold you'll get more used to changing temperatures so you'll become more resistant to climate changes and become more immune against flues

Better skin appearance:
Photo By Furryscaly

Hot water Cleans skin pores while ending your shower with cold water closes back the pores leaving you with a better look.
Cold water also keeps your skin tight which gives an anti aging effect.

Healthier Hair:
Photo By Moyan_Brenn

Cold water helps your hair look healthier and shinier. Plus, as you switch from hot to cold your blood rushes to your head which will increase the blood supplied to your hair.

Better Sexual Health in Men:
Photo By InstantDane

Cool temperatures are known to be healthy for your testicles so it's good to take cold showers each day. Plus, it has been told that cold showers increase your testosterone levels while hot showers are not very good for your male fertility; So watch out, all you hot shower lovers out there!

Always hated the cold showers? Well you might reconsider adding it to your life now.

Check out our other health and fitness advice posts here.

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